
“Kelly Bouldin Darmofal’s account is unique, yet widely applicable: she teaches any who have suffered TBI—and all who love, care for, and teach them—insights that are not only novel but revolutionary.

 1. Poetry of art and science.  
With her occasional poems, she opens a window into her brain—revealing that language is sometimes at its best when brief, incomplete, and thereby widely evocative of experience that is irreducible to simple sentences.  Her first poem after the injury—spoken impromptu—is a gift to literati and scientists alike, who will learn what they didn’t know about language and brain. Sometimes sardonic, often subtle, her rhetoric is life-giving as well as life-celebrating.

2. Theology.  

Like Job, she learned the hard lesson of a faith that ultimately made her both “thankful to my non-intervening God,” as she put, and for that reason resolute in becoming the person she now is. Her experiences exemplify that providence can’t be preached—to self or others—apart from persistent self-actualization.

​3. Education. 

Warnings against inflexible educational bureaucracy abound in her descriptions of narrow-minded teaching. Yet, she recognizes good teaching so well that she becomes a teacher herself and models what all teachers must emulate: respect for students as
persons in all their idiosyncratic potential. She understands mediocrity as the great millstone around the neck of education. The book is not simply worth reading; it is necessary reading for patients, poets, professors, preachers, and teachers,”
— Frank Wood, Professor Emeritus of neurology-neuropsychology at Wake Forest School of Medicine and an ordained Baptist minister.

“Kelly Bouldin Darmofal showed me a world I had never experienced. Knowing the challenges, the strengths, and the perspectives that students with TBI bring to learning, I can be a better teacher for them. I admire what Kelly has accomplished in her life and her book. Anyone who cares about teaching and learning must read this remarkable story,”
— Louann Reid – Professor and Chair, Department of English, Colorado State University and past editor for English Journal  ​

“It (Lost in My Mind) is a compelling account of an individual with major determination who gradually overcame, to a major degree, numerous struggles and frustrations that confronted her through her recovery,”
— Dr. David Kelly, Jr. M.D. – Wake Forest University’s Neurosurgery Chair Emeritus

“Lost in My Mind is an exceptional, heart-rending account of one young woman’s life suddenly transformed into a nightmare, and how she overcame it. A bright, happy girl who, in one night, sustains a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) from a car accident, changing her life forever. Kelly Darmofal’s book is a triumphant example of how the human spirit can overcome life’s most serious challenges,”
— Karen Ackerson – Executive Director of The Writers’ Workshop of Asheville, NC and the founder and Senior Editor of the Renbourne Literary Agency

4.  Testimonials

“This peek into the real-life trials and triumphs of a young woman who survives a horrific car crash and struggles to regain academic excellence and meaningful social relationships is a worthwhile read for anyone who needs information, inspiration or escape from the isolation so common after traumatic brain injury,”
— Susan H. Connors – President/CEO, Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA)​​

“Children aged 0 to 4 years, older adolescents aged 15 to 19 years, and adults aged 65 years and older are most likely to sustain a TBI,” CDC. 2012.
“No two individuals with head injuries are alike because of the varying degrees of injury and their pre-injury personality. Also, their support systems are unique to them, would strongly recommend this book to individuals with TBI,”
— Dr. David Kelly, Jr. M.D. – Wake Forest University’s Neurosurgery Chair Emeritus


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